These hand-selected entrepreneurs, from a variety of backgrounds, are trailblazers who inspire success by provoking thought and growth. They are respected leaders and mentors, many without knowing so, and they have all graciously shared their knowledge.
Tell me one thing that men cannot live without, daily. How do you explain to male investors or male doctors that most women cannot ‘live’ without eye makeup? At least 60% of women in the United States use mascara daily, and millions of those women suffer from their eye beauty choices. Millions more women have dry eye than men, about two times more women than men. Millions more women have extra-sensitive eyes and their quality of life can be compromised because of this, from their career, to family life, to socializing, and even their self confidence. Being a woman-owned business makes all the difference for this startup because I can relate to what women with sensitive eyes need, from self confidence to beauty. Every day I strive to develop cosmetics for people with extra-sensitive eyes because I understand how debilitating sensitive eyes can be, and also how empowering a non-irritating tube of mascara can make you feel! Men have sensitive eyes too, but, their self confidence and careers aren’t typically impacted in the same way by a tube of mascara. This company concept began with a tube of mascara, and this company could not have been created by a man, as their comprehension of the mission is-just-different. Male eye doctors might understand that some of their female patients cannot use cosmetics but they might not realize how much they suffer with/without. Male investors do not necessarily understand how eye-safe-cosmetics should become an integral part of eyecare protocols and promoted in the general market as not-just-a-beauty-brand. Eyes Are The Story is more than beauty, it is eye wellness. Until “The Story” is known by millions, this book is better written by a woman, even just for empathy alone, as a woman will suffer to be beautiful, inside and out.
How Is Your Business Different Now Than When You First Began?
Considering that we launched Eyes Are The Story in the United States in 2020 in the middle of a global pandemic, everything is different! Otherwise, during the last 2 years, we have expanded distribution and are now also selling Eyes Are The Story via eyecare specialists in Canada, the United Kingdom, Australia, New Zealand, and France. We have authorization to sell our products in more than 30 countries and have received distribution requests in more than 50 countries!What Is Your Most Memorable Experience Since Starting Your Business?
We were supposed to launch at Vision Expo East, March 2020. That launch weekend, the Javits Center was turned into a Covid hospital. Needless to say our launch was postponed. Not only did we completely reswizzle our launch and business model to adapt to the global pandemic, but we creatively navigated the news-waves with “The Story”. It was absolutely amazing how ECPs around the world volunteered to help share (and sell) “The Story”. My network of eye doctors and patients eagerly helped me get-the-word-out. Our launch video received almost 1 million views! Eyes Are The Story did not have a store or clinic shelf to sit on, an event, nor party to share samples, but the products popped up in ZOOM calls, FaceBook broadcasts, LinkedIn testimonials, Insta, Twitter… all over social media. My global village of eye docs activated and helped me launch. And, the best part, for the first four months, I was working from the sofa in my parents’ loft in Boston, as I could not fly home due to travel restrictions! My parents were incredible, helping me navigate the pandemic uncertainty, but also supporting me with food and lots of coffee during my 18+ hour workdays..
How Do You Try To Remain Unique In The Space Of Your Competitors?
Eyes Are The Story is the world’s first optocosmetics and skincare brand specifically created and clinically-proven safe for sensitive eyes and skin, dry eyes, and contact lens wearers. There is a lot of noise on the market for products that are purportedly Eye-Safe, but, are not. As we are blurring the lines between Pharma and Beauty, and it is imperative for the Eyes Are The Story brand to set the marketing and education straight with correct science-based evidence and verified Eye-Safe products. Leveraging knowledge from some of the world’s leading ocular surface disease specialists and collaborating with state-of-the-art laboratories in the United States, Canada, and Italy, we are innovating new formulations that no other brand has ever envisioned nor produced.First Job
When I was still in high school, my first paycheck actually came from translation work I did for my father, Dr. David A. Sullivan, and his laboratory at Schepens Eye Research Institute/Harvard Medical School. I translated 100-year-old research from French to English. It was definitely an eye-opening experience!
Biggest Role Model
My parents.
Favorite Book
The one I’m going to write. Or … the Fannie Farmer Cookbook. I cook to destress!
One Thing That Makes You Smile
Waking up every day.
Most Productive Time Of Day
Favorite Glass-Wearing Celeb
Amal Clooney.